Plot Eldorado in Goiana/Pernambuco/Brazil
- Sale forty thousand m2, pool night and day,nice gardens, plan, very fruits, near of constant fairs of region, path to great beaches of nordest.Ten km of Goiana, city of progress with banks, churches, pharmacies, bakers and large progress with the new Fiat factory and great soon, seaport, aviation field, exploration of gas and oil in area of pre-salt.Excellent location for construction of industrial shed for subcontractores for Fiat factory and other companhies.Excellent climate and you can live with nature with peace and security, that you always dreamed. Excellent for construction of houses and apartments for sale/rent in closed condominium for access and location.Good business for intelligent investor with profits in future right.Great opportunity for group of business in Brazil in this time.U$ 35 the m2 and more info with Dr. milbe Amorim, lawyer in Recife. Cel 81.99773114, fax 81.32225443, milbe_amorim or
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